# ~/.guardfile # More info at https://github.com/guard/guard#readme notification :off puts "Using default guard file." group :development do if File.exists?("./config.rb") # Compile on start. puts `compass compile --time --quiet` # https://github.com/guard/guard-compass guard :compass do watch(%r{(.*)\.s[ac]ss$}) ignore %r{^tmp/} end end # Look for specified files in the current and child directories. # `find` requires Ruby 1.9 or greater. require 'find' if Find.find(Dir.pwd).detect{|dir|dir=~/.+\.(css|js|html?|php|inc|theme)$/} guard :livereload do watch(%r{.+\.(css|js|html?|php)$}) ignore %r{^tmp/} end end end